Yesterday I came down with one of the worst bugs ever, thanks to my hubby. I know our marriage vows said in sickness and in health, but I’m pretty sure that didn’t mean to share the actual sickness. Every bone in my body ached, I was running a fever, sneezing, coughing… the works. Already behind at work, I drug myself out of bed (shedding a few tears in the process) threw on some clothes, pulled my hair in a pony tail and even managed to apply a little mascara. I looked in the mirror. What I saw wasn’t good, but it would just have to do. I just couldn’t bring myself to put forth any more effort than what I already had. What is the very first thing that was said to me as I walked through the door? “You look sick.” Well thank you, Captain Obvious. I heard a variation of that so many times that by yesterday afternoon I was ready to punch the next person with something smart to say about my appearance or well-being square in the face. But who was I kidding? I didn’t have the energy for that.
This morning, as I was getting ready, I vowed to make myself look at least well enough to nip the sick comments in the bud. I covered up what I could of the dark circles under my eyes and even curled my hair for Pete’s sake! Want to know the first comment I got? “You look tired.”
I freakin’ give up. If I’ve got to feel this bad and still come into work, the rest of you will just have to look at me. So there!